Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I bought this little halloween costume for him but he was too little to put it on. I put it on him a couple days ago and this is what he looked like - a most serious peacock.

Mr. Handsy

Yesterday we took Miles for his 2 week checkup. Everything looks great, he's gained his birth weight back like he was supposed to.

My mom came to stay and help out on Monday and we have all been enjoying the baby and trying to figure out what his needs are.

One thing that we all agree is remarkable about Miles is his use of his hands. He has to have his hands involved in everything. As the pictures show, even when he's not trying to hold his pacifier or bottle, he's making gangsigns with his fingers or something. He can't stand to have his hands restricted, they're always out of the blankets and sometimes are ice cold but he won't let you put them in the warm.

He's a remarkably trouble free baby - he only cries if he's hungry usually. He sleeps well and poops like a champion. His "first skin" is peeling now and it seems every bath makes it worse but I guess it gets worse before it gets better.

I am so enarmored of him sometimes I already feel sad that the moment at present is passing, I know now what people say about them growing up so fast will be so true and I just want to enjoy him as a baby as long as possible.