Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cute pics

Here are some recent pics. The first is Miles in a great present he got before he was born and only now has gotten big enough to use. He mostly likes licking the steering wheel right now but we're hoping for more as time goes on. The second is him in another shower gift - the Bumbo. He looks so confident in his Bumbo, likes sitting near his gym and seeing the animals from a different perspective. Then there's some tummy time, one in the playgym and one with crazy Alfalfa after shower hair.

You Tube

So in order to post some of the videos for everyone to see I've opened a YouTube account. If you click on http://www.youtube.com/cindyandnorris
you will be able to see new videos of Miles. It is much easier to post on there than here with the videos. Hopefully you will go there and see him today playing very intensely with a new toy that Dr. Erickson and his wife Lisa sent over. He looks like a little pilot who must save the world, he is a very intense almost 4 month old boy. Hopefully with my new You Tube capabilities I will be able to show him smiling for a change.