Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ok, lots of you have heard about it but behold today, the first pictures! Sorry for the blurry pictures but I guess something about the lighting at the pool made for poor photo quality. Norris was able to come to visit our class and took some pictures of Miles in his wetsuit in his swim lessons. Today was his third lesson and he actually spit water out today after his submersion which is great progress according to his teacher - if you look closely at the picture of him submerged you can see him spitting out as he is on his way up. Norris looked a little queasy apparantly after seeing his offspring submerged in the water because our teacher had to reassure him that Miles was fine : )
Here are some pictures of him before class chillin with his infant friend Skylar, then in class being a pancake laying on his back, submerged in the water holding his breath, holding on to the noodle while floating in the water and generally having a good time in the pool and trying to take a taste of the edge of the pool like all the other babies.