Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pictures of The Serious One

Miles is very serious. He spends most of his time with his eyes closed but when they are open they look at you very seriously as the pictures can attest.

Changing diapers brings on a nuclear meltdown. We theorize that he doesn't trust us so everytime we take his clothes off he thinks we're going to eat him. This has somewhat subsided, we'll have a calm diaper change once every 5 times.

He likes to use his hands. When it's diaper change time the hands go straight up in the air as if to warn us to back off. When this doesn't work then the screaming starts - and he's got lungs!

He also holds his pacifier in his mouth with both hands as if to make sure it stays there. On day 5 he held his bottle to his mouth and I could let it go and he was holding it up - granted there was about 1/2 oz milk in there but still. We think he's just going to be one to want to do everything for himself.

He has been completely latched on to Norris. If I wanted to I could just feed him and sleep - he wants Norris to hold him 24 hours a day - and Norris does. The kid wants his daddy and not just his daddy but to be in the armpit! Obviously his sense of smell has not fully developed because he loves snuggling into that pit.

His full head of black hair shows no signs of falling out. His umbilical stump fell off yesterday. Last night was the first night we could put him in his bassinet for a couple hours and he would sleep - giving Norris a break from sleeping like a vampire with the baby on his chest.

Life is good.

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