Saturday, November 24, 2007

Snuffy and Big Bird.

Grandma and Miles - she got him to smile!

Here's Miles holding Grandma's hands while she feeds him a bottle.

Here's Miles posing with the Anniversary breakfast he supposedly made with Grandma's help.

And here's Grandma and Miles caught on film both sleeping with their hands on their heads.

Miles and his Grandma have bonded extremely well. Grandma's new nickname is Big Bird to Miles' Snuffafalagus because she is the only one who ever sees him smile. She swears he is smiling all the time but by the time Norris and I get there to see it, well, no smile.

She takes care of him a lot, and last night was the first night Norris and I spent away from him (our 2 yr anniversary) and we felt perfectly comfortable that he was well taken care of.

Having her here really helps to make it easier on Norris and I with getting other things done as we prepare to move across the country next week. It's been a stressful week this week trying to get details organized and it would have been much more so if we were sleep deprived and eating store bought food rather than the nice home cooked meals we've been eating courtesy of Big Bird.

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