Thursday, March 6, 2008

4 months

Miles turned 4 months old a few days ago, here are some pictures. He has gotten more smiley and "talkey" recently. He babbles on very expressively and seems to think I know what on earth he is talking about because he is full of knowing smiles and seems pleased with himself after he finishes one of his screeching rants. I just play along and tell him I agree with him, he seems to like that. Also, his hair has a life of it's own. It is completely untameable, everyday is a new situation. Some days it will lay down very nicely and he looks kind of like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes when his mom gets him ready for the class picture. Other days it sticks straight up in the air, or it spirals wildly any which way and no brush or comb can tell it anything. Today it's kind of straight in the front with waves sticking straight off the back.

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