Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 months

Miles turned 5 months old a few days ago and here are the pictures from his Kiddie Kandids photo shoot. He still does not like to smile in public or for cameras so here are the few pictures we got with him smiling. Notice the outfit changes? Not planned. Our dear boy puked all the way down his outfit mid photo shoot so we had to strip him down hence the semi naked shot then put on whatever we had in the diaper bag, which happened to be a way too big hand me down onsie but it looked cute in the photo so we kept it.
At 5 months he drools constantly but has no teeth or nubbins that might turn into teeth. He can sometimes sit up unsupported if he has his hands positioned in front of himself just right and can sit for a little while in a shopping cart child section - maybe 10 minutes before looking tired and strained. He does not sleep through the night, sometimes wakes at 4am just to talk to himself and laugh but does not want a bottle - totally just wants to play and woe be to you if you go in there and think you can just leave if he wants to play. His personality is sweet and shy - calm and pretty easy to understand - basic needs - hunger, love, tired, play. He weighs 20 pounds and likes to be board stiff and leaning outward when you hold him so he can look around. That makes it hard to hold him with one hand as he doesn't snuggle into you to help out with the holding at all. Absolutely everything must be experienced by mouth if possible especially my fingers - they seem to be a baby's version of barbeque ribs, he can't get enough of sucking and gnawing on them then contrasting them with sucking and gnawing on his own fingers. A very sweet phase of babyhood that I am relishing as crawling lurks just around the corner.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

He is sooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Do you know Gillian only weighs 21 lbs at 19 months?!? Of course, she is the tiniest baby on earth... anyway, what a sweet little face he has. xo-M