Tuesday, May 6, 2008

6 Months Old

Well, our boy turned 6 months old a week ago and the times are changin'. He's about 21 pounds now. He can sit up now pretty well, does not rely on his hands for balance as much now - they are free to grab at things all around! He can't crawl but he can stand and hold on to your fingers or the mirror and balance for a little bit. He can roll from front to back and back to front and is rolling around like a log now, kind of rolling to get where he wants to go - which is usually near Bella and trying to grab on to her. He is smiling and loving, gives sweet hugs and sloppy baby kisses. He loves bouncing in the baby car pictured here. He is going through a phase of not liking his car seat - doesn't he know the Britax is the Rolls Royce of car seats? And absolutely everything in sight must be grabbed at and put in the mouth if possible.

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