Thursday, May 1, 2008

The journey begins - Toronto

So we had to go to Trinidad with Mr. Wiggles. A few people recommended that we try to do the trip in 2 legs with some time in between and that along with the opportunity to use some of the masses of sky miles we have collected resulted in us taking a flight from Vegas to Toronto from 11pm to 5am then another flight to Trinidad at 8pm. Yes, in retrospect this was a very.dumb.idea. but sitting at the computer at home it made perfect sense. So anyway, we red eyed it to Toronto (both of us in middle seats and separated, me holding the 20 pound infant in my lap the whole way) and got in around 5am and rented a car from seriously, a one man car rental company (note: companies can look a whole lot more professional online than in person - remember this when I tell the tale of the Moonhole couple in Bequia later). It was a beautiful day in Toronto and the weather was perfect, little crocuses coming up, daffodils peeking out and at Niagra Falls we got to see bits of icebergs broken off and careening to their deaths off the fall.
Miles was pretty good for the Vegas to Toronto and day trip parts but kind of had a meltdown halfway through the 6 hour flight to Trinidad. He was restless and fussy and we were so glad to land and put an end to his jumping up and down on our legs on the plane.

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