Friday, August 29, 2008

10 months

Miles, today you are 10 months old. You are sleeping right now. Yesterday Barack Obama had a historic nomination acceptance event and it makes me hopeful that the world will be an ok place for you to grow up in.

So how have you grown? You got 2 more teeth this month, your front top teeth and when you smile oh, well, I just melt inside. You're about 2 1/2 feet tall, your 18 month clothes are too small for you and keep popping off at the snap crotches.

So what can you do? You can give an Obama style Fist Bump, give High 5's, wave bye bye and give kisses. You call your Grandma "Ga". You call me "Ma", FINALLY! You enjoy chatting on the phone with Amelia - you both can't really talk but somehow have intense phone conversations with each other. You totally have everyone around here fascinated by your every move - even the office staff, who pitched in and bought you a piano with animal sounds which has become one of your favourite toys. Your Grandma seems to get high whenever she sees you - she acts so silly to entertain you. Another thing you have gotten good at is crying to be held. You act like we left you in the forest and you're afraid we will do it again. You CONSTANTLY want to be held and while my parents find it cute I find it annoying.

What happened this month? Well you got gastro and was the sickest I've ever seen you and it was scary. Projectile vomit, violent diarrhea and no appetite at all. Thankfully that has passed and you are back to eating like a termite.

Ok huggy bear, you woke up and are demanding attention, holding on to my chair and shaking it with your tiny might. When are you going to let go of that pacifier? Ok, you're trying to turn off the TV again, gotta go!

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