Tuesday, August 5, 2008

9 months

Dear Miles,
A few days ago you turned 9 months old. You are just good enough to eat. I love everything about you, and many other people do too. Your babysitter Sandra here in Trinidad comes to "borrow" you like a library book if she hasn't seen you in more than 3 days. Her whole family is in love with you and I'm taking pictures of them in case I have to call the authorities if you're missing. You LOVE her son Nicki here in the picture holding you. You just hang on to every move he makes when he's around. You want to walk like the big kids so bad, you stand up and barely hold on to things and inevitably fall and bust your butt when your feet get tangled. But after a little cry up and trying again you go. You can say car and dada. Every now and then you will repeat something clear as day.

You have your two bottom front teeth and you make the most of them. You are an eating champion. There has only been one food (gross Heinz chicken and vegetable puree) that you have refused. You eat the most bitter vegetables like carile and spinach and want more. We took you to Ruby Tuesdays a couple weeks ago and gave you a little bowl of pasta and when it was done you picked up the bowl and started licking it. Here you can see a picture of you eating a chicken leg like it's nobody's business but yours.

You are surprisingly strong. You grab 4 liter bottles of water and drag them around, you picked up the computer chair by holding on to it and refusing to let go when we tried to get you away from the computer. And you're tall too, you're already 30 inches.

You LOVE to bounce up and down.

You cut the cake with Amelia for her 2nd birthday party and then stuck your whole hand in her cake trying to grab what you could for yourself. It was quite a day for you, in the swimming pool with a bevy of 2 and 3 year olds, hanging out quite calmly while all the chaos swirled around. Having this time to spend with you every day is something I will never forget, it is truly worth the effort and self sacrifice to see you enjoying life and turning out to be so brave and calm.

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