Wednesday, October 8, 2008

11 months

Suddenly at 11 months you seem like a big boy. You are learning so quickly and want to talk to me all the time. And the crazy thing is I think I understand what you're talking about. Granted your interests are few and relate mostly to putting things in your mouth or to wanting a toy but still...I think there's been progress in the communications department.
Our trip home from Trinidad was 14 hours and I was panicked when I thought about it. However you showed what you're made of and were such a good baby and a total charmer. You slept for about 3 hours on each leg of the trip and played with your toys and sometimes other passengers the rest of the time. You even had a small playgroup with a couple other kids in the Miami airport.
Standing and dancing is no problem to you. Taking one or two steps is no problem either. But you still have a fear factor with just letting go and walking. I can see you are ready though. Your Dad and I think it's just a matter of letting Bella come home and when you want to chase her then you'll get the motivation.
And Bella comes home on Monday!
Foods you like: Chicken! Apple Juice! Peanut Butter! Sweet Potatos! Kiwis are OK, Oranges are hit and miss.
You are already a little director. The other night you were whinging, Dad and I were sitting on the couch and you kept going from one of us to the other. Then FINALLY! we figured out what you wanted and we sat really close together. The relief on your face was evident. And you sat on both our laps and stared up at us with satisfaction.
You are very affectionate. A total Huggy Bear. If you could spend your day hugging and giving kisses with occassional breaks for bottles and food I think you'd take it.
And we got your nursery back in order but with almost 5 months of sleeping in the bed with me in Trinidad we're a little concerned that the days of you sleeping in your crib are over. You'll hang out there for a few minutes if I'm in the room but that's it. And seeing that you've already climbed out of your playpen I'm not willing to let you cry it out by yourself in your crib and end up bouncing off the floor.

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