Monday, February 16, 2009

15 months

This 15 month post is so late it should really be called the 15.5 month post. But he's been growing like a weed and keeping us really busy! His 15 month well baby checkup shows him at 95%tile for head circumference (observe picture of him in black jumper, head is almost bobble head proportion), 75%tile for weight and 100%tile for height. The boy is big and strong! Miles loves to walk and can't quite run yet so he looks like a penguin who speed walks as he races down the halls. He can also walk backwards which he loves to show you and can run in place, which he does when he's excited. Talking is not happening much yet but he understands a lot and will occasionally repeat something you say. He loves, and I mean loves reading books and they are his favorite toy. He will bring Norris and I books all day long for us to read to him and can be quite demanding about it. It's like having a small General barking orders "read! read!" but instead just grunting or yelling something we can't call English. The pictures of him eating corn and near the lake are of him at the Floyd Lamb State park near our house, the closest thing to regular nature you can get out here in the desert. He also RODE A PONY! for the first time, and loved petting and kissing the animals at the JR Pony Farm. Also observe our kitchen chairs lying on the ground, as he has already climbed onto the table and fallen off. So now he trys to kill himself by entangling himself in the chair legs and leaning over all sorts of ways. The scary news this month was that he might have asthma. We've had to get an inhaler and though his doc hasn't heard wheezing in his follow up visits he's still on an inhaler for a while till she can determine he does not need it. He's not the biggest fan of the inhaler so it's a bit frustrating sometimes but other than that he's a great eater and very even tempered.

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