Wednesday, April 29, 2009

18 months

Our Sweet Littlefeet turned 18 months old today. A year and a half of a kind of life I never thought I would really enjoy or be cut out for. But I have loved it. Miles makes it so easy. Even when he's being naughty he's mostly still so cuddly. Like in the first picture. We were in the parking lot of the base hospital on the way for him to get his 18 month checkup. The light was good. I asked him to look at me so I could take his picture. He would look everywhere else BUT at me. Because that's how he rolls now - he's 18 months and thinks he can be an independent agent now.
This weekend we took him for a little hike at Corn Creek. He had a stick and used it to poke and point at any and everything. As little boys go I guess that's par for the course. I kind of thought it was how all the kids were but my friends who have girls say no, girls are just more mellow. Miles, well, let me just say that everyday is a desperate attempt to find outlets for him to use up his BOUNDLESS energy. Today it was peds office followed by thrift store, toysrus (we're having a water party playdate on Friday with some of his friends), then off to the neighborhood park to play with his friends River and Liam in the water feature. It was a lovely 81 degrees today but that water was ICY and poor Miles is crying in this picture as the water chills him to the bone. The upside of Vegas' dry and windy climate is that it's like living inside a hairdryer so he dried off in a matter of minutes.
So 18 month stats:
Weight 27.2 lbs, Height 31.8 inches, Head Circumference 49.5 cm - not much change from 15 month checkup, except for his height which, since it's the first time he was measured standing up instead of lying down actually DECREASED by 3 inches. Go figure. Maybe it was the haircut he got.

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