Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Joseph and Mary had it easy compared to this!

Ok, maybe the title of this post is a bit over dramatic but just maybe a tiny bit - I mean, from the story they basically had the baby still in the belly and had a donkey to do a lot of the work : )
Our huge travel day dawned cold and crisp and our entourage started our journey off right with a big breakfast and a nice send off at the airport.
Our upset of the day happened early as we promptly proceeded to meet with incompetence at the airline and missed our plane and it was 3 hours before we caught another flight and were airborne.
To cut the airline some slack we did have a lot of stuff with us - that picture with the animals that you see, well ALL that luggage in the picture was ours! One husband, one wife, one month old baby, one grandma, one dog, one cat and, seriously, one prickly plant. That was the live stuff. The non live amounted to 12 pieces of luggage plus a carseat, stroller and playmat. Our biggest blessing that day was that Miles was an absolute angel the entire day. He slept and didn't fuss on the plane even at takeoff and landing.
Bella and Pace were not too happy about the traveling and were even less so when we dropped them off at a boarder while we headed for the extremely utilitarian Temporary Living Facility. After a long and tiring day that took immense planning - Norris actually had a countdown checklist that was named Operation Rattlesnake -at the end of December 1st, 2008 we were in Vegas and ready to start a new chapter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.