Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Miles and Pace

Pace is my 12 year old cat. I love Pace. But Pace is not easy to love. She is a vocal and bossy cat who demands that you put a drip in the faucet in the bathtub for her, who thinks she is a dog as she hated my old cat Kitty but plays with Bella every day as though they were both dogs, who Norris has issues with but tolerates for me. Here is Pace with Miles chilling on the bed. She has shown minimal interest in the child, one day she was in the room and he started crying, she jumped off the bed, got to the door and turned around and miaowed at us like she was cussing us then trotted off. However here they are side by side for size reference. Miles is still a couple pounds smaller than her but not for long!

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