Saturday, November 29, 2008

13 months

Today Miles is 13 months old. I am totally feeling sick, runny nose, headache, sore throat so blogging skills are down to zero. So here are some cute pictures of Miles taken recently. He is a strong walker now and even runs a bit. He is a total giggler and ham. If we are paying attention to Bella he'll try to do something funny like put a toy in his mouth and wave his arms around in order to get attention.
The first picture is just the best one I could get after taking about 60 of Pace, Bella and Miles. I feel like I've been neglecting Pace, there's been no pictures of her on the blog or even a mention for months. She's getting old and even more antisocial but she does let Miles pet and kiss her, poor old thing.
Then there he is hiding in a cupboard in the kitchen. It's so comical to come around the island and there he is, in his foxhole, peering out.
The pictures in the snow are from Thanksgiving. We drove up to Mt. Charleston and there was fresh fallen snow and Miles got to experience his first snow. As you can see he does not instantly take to new things so no smiles. After about an hour he got a little curious and would touch it a bit.
Life these days is sweet and good and we have been having lots of laughs and happiness watching Miles continue to expand his horizons.

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