Saturday, January 10, 2009

14 months, Christmas and all that!

It's been wayyyy too long without posting. Since last meeting our hero he has become very good at walking, even running in a cute penguin running sort of way. His favorite object of adoration is Bella, they are ALWAYS kissing/licking in the mouth and it's disgusting but we can't make it stop all the time.
Pace, our poor old cat also gets more love from him than she probably wants but she tolerates him really well considering how people hating she usually is.
Christmas was sweet and wonderful. Miles enjoyed having his Uncle Alfred and Granny Annie over and they spoiled him with lots of love and attention. He has started swimming classes again this winter and also started itty-bitty gymnastics which is hilarious because he can't follow any directions and just runs around like a crazy garden gnome jumping on things and shouting "ahhhh!". He enjoys it.
Verbal skills still not great due to excessive pacifier sucking. He'll have one in his mouth, find another and try to suck two at once, it's that bad. He loves playing games with pacifier also, trying to lure me in with the offer than perhaps I can have a suck, then at the last second he'll pivot and give it to Norris and laugh, laugh, laugh. So the only major verbal development apart from the very good and endless "da-da's", and the sporadic "ma-ma's" is, no kidding, "yabba dabba do". He hasn't seen the Flintstones once either. I don't know where it came from but it is fitting seeing as he is kind of like a caveman with his primitive grunting, poor coordination and lack of social graces. Oh, and he makes the sign language sign for "more" when he wants food. So that's pretty neat.

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