Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Day of Co-op

This morning Miles went off to a playgroup without me. I guess it's kind of like his first day of school. I created the coop with 5 friends where we all take turns hosting with one assistant so that the kids get to learn how to play with others and have fun without mommy. I expected that he would be fretful but he was perfectly happy when I left and didn't even cry like he does when the babysitter comes. Probably because it's the first time and he doesn't know what to expect. I have been feeling for a while now that he's ready for some independent play but not really with strangers. He knows all these kids and the moms so I feel it is as gently a transition to more independence as I can provide him. I'm happy that I was able to create this and think it will be good for him. I'm kind of sad that he's ready to do this and is really getting to be not a baby anymore.

1 comment:

Nileppez said...

Good lord woman! Cut the chord already! Let the kid learn how to drive and juggle hand guns. You're funny. No one would ever guess what your work background is in!