Saturday, August 22, 2009

New interests

Picture of Liam Picture of Mountains

Dead bug

Loves his shoes

Picture of forest

Enjoying nature

Recently Norris and I realized that Miles has outgrown a lot of his toys and needs the next step up. He has a newfound interest in computers, cameras, phones. He has started grabbing my camera whenever it's out and walking around taking pictures of things that are interesting to him. I find his perspective on what is interesting fascinating - as any mom would. Also what I like is how much of his field of vision is interested in small things or things close to the ground. Clearly he is small and I love having these pics to show me what he sees and how he percieves the world.

1 comment:

Nileppez said...

I love the fact that his finger is in every one but one! His perspective always has a finger in it! I take it you chastise him a lot... ha hahhahhaha.