Thursday, June 10, 2010

2 year, 8months

Time is flying by. Unbelievable I have not updated in 8 months. Miles is 99%potty trained now, talks in full long sentences, has opinions about lots of things and knows how to test you to see how serious you are and what the limits are.
We started moving into the new house April 26 and somewhere around that time he moved into his own bedroom and own bed where he still sleeps. This is so bittersweet to me as I miss his sweet breath and hair and face snuggled up next to me while knowing it is for the best that he learn to sleep on his own. I usually read him a story to go to bed or nap. But today I had some music on in the hall to try to drown out some noise downstairs while I read his story and he sat up and said "Mommy, can you please stop reading, I'm trying to listen to the music". And that's how it is now. He is sweet and polite but has his opinions and wants and is good about expressing them.
He was in the newspaper the other day, the Las Vegas Review Journal. A pic of him smiling and petting an otter. So sweet. I will try to post it.
Things he knows:
My phone number
All our birthdays
His alphabet
Can identify a lot of letters by their shape
Knows a lot of colors
Can count things
Can do a little math - addition
Can invent little stories - take his animals on a ride in his pirate ship to the San Diego Zoo
Thinking about good and bad, nice vs mean, making judgements e.g Bella is a good girl,Bodhi is a biter boy, bad bad Bodhi.
Concern when others are upset
Loves loves loves music and singing and dancing
Funny- will tell me to stop singing because I am scaring the neighbor dog. Tells Bella and Bodhi to stop running around the house, that it is not a dog park.
Amazing memory. Still spontaneously talk about his birthday party and the elephant bouncy castle and his cake and his friends. Remembers things large and small.
Very cuddly and loving.
Still sucking that damned binky and constantly negotiating to get it " I sleepy mommy, I need my binky" - a half hour after waking up.
Will try to update soon with pics and keep better log.

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