Thursday, August 5, 2010


Miles is sleeping next to me right now, I am listening to his breathing and feel him curled up so soft and warm and good. He peed in his bed so I had to strip his sheets and bring him in our bed. He asked me "can I sleep in your bed?" and I said "mmm hmm" and he said "is that all you gonna say?" I said "well yes, what did you think I would say honey?" and he said " I thought you would say don't pee pee in my bed!". And he smiled. Just a little heart melter.
It's that time where he is almost 3 and can enroll in pre pre school and I have looked at a few but nothing seems great and we work on stuff all the time at home together so I'm torn about what to do. He seems to know about as much as other kids I know who are his age and going to school and I don't think he lacks for socialization with friends. And once they start school the lifelong process of them drifting away from the home and into the world starts. All that said, I still am not sure what I'm going to do.

1 comment:

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